What’s Your ViewPoint?

ViewPoint is Vertical Communications’ Unified Communications desktop client for the Vertical Wave phone system. ViewPoint provides secure instant messaging, presence management, visual voicemail and call management. Vertical recently released an IOS version of the app  for iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad. Chet has been using it for quite a while now (he was a beta tester) on his iPhone and is very pleased with the app. Also, one of our customers participated in the IOS beta and was used as a case study by Vertical.

You Beta Believe…

We’ve been anxiously awaiting beta testing for the Android version and the field trial was released this week. I will be testing the app on my Droid 2 phone, on my Nexus 7 tablet and on the Kindle Fire tablet. The beta app supports Android devices running Android 2.3 and higher including Android 4.1 ‘Jelly Bean’, which is what is on my new Nexus 7 tablet. This should be fun!

Vertical has tested ViewPoint for Android on the following devices:

Device Model Android Version
Samsung Galaxy Note 4G2.3.6
HTC Vivid 4G4.0.3
LG Nitro 4G2.3.5
Motorola Droid RAZR MAXX 4G2.3.6
Motorola Droid 4 4G2.3.6
Galaxy Nexus S 4G4.0.4
Nexus 7 Tablet4.1.1

Going Mobile

So what will the mobile version of ViewPoint do? Good question. Obviously, using the app on a phone will be different from a tablet. Using it on a phone enables the mobile phone to act as a station on the Wave phone system in addition to the tablet capabilities. On a tablet, you don’t get the phone capabilities, but you can manage personal status, check your voicemail, send Instant Messages, see other users’ presence information and personal status, and check the Call Log. The tablet user can take and place calls using a separate phone in conjunction with the tablet.

So, here is my test environment:

Device Model Android Version
Droid 2 Global2.3.3
Nexus 7 Tablet4.1.1
Kindle Fire2.3*

* Kindle Fire is a forked (and heavily customized) version of Android.

Stay tuned for reports on the beta test.

Are you using the Vertical Wave phone system? How does the Android mobile client fit in with your plans? Share your thoughts in the comments.


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